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Elizabeth S. Craig is one of those amazing authors who has had book published by a publisher as well as self-published. She recently got rights back to some titles from her publishing house and decided to re-release them as eBooks her self. She is gracious enough to share her experience and thoughts.
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From Trad-Pub to Self-Pub–Tips and Observations
by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig
This is the second time I’ve gotten the rights to my characters back from a publisher and taken a trad-published series to self-pub. The last time I did this was five years ago.
Karma Karma Karma chameleon….
There were some big differences between this time and last time. The first time I’d had only one book released in the series before taking it to self-pub. This time the series had five books in it.
This latest series had a nice following but I found that many of my readers for the Penguin series seemed unaware of my self-published series. They would email me asking when the next Southern Quilting Mystery was coming out and I would tell them…and then ask if they knew about my Myrtle Clover series. Many times they didn’t.
One reason they didn’t is because Penguin didn’t want any non-Penguin books included in my author bio. I can understand this. So not only were my self-published books not included in my bio, the original trad-published book in the series (from Midnight Ink) wasn’t, either.
So that’s officially my favorite thing about taking this series to self-pub. I loved, loved, loved being able to advertise my self-pubbed series in the back of the book. I’m hoping for some real crossover from my audience.
And now for the curiosities from this release. Print sales have been very strong…I’ve ranked as high as in the top 15,000–18,000 for printed books on Amazon. It’s also selling well through IngramSpark, which tells me that bookstores are ordering it for customers.
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