Quick Link: Should Indie Authors Put Endorsement Quotes or “Puffs” on Self-published Books?

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Should Indie Authors Put Endorsement Quotes or “Puffs” on Self-published Books?

As authors of self-published books, we seek to combine the best ideas from trade publishing with the innovation that comes of being truly independent. But it’s not always easy to decide which conventions to echo and which to reject. One example is the common practice among the big publishing companies to adorn book covers with endorsements from high profile readers.

Skeptics term these glowing phrases “puff quotes” to pour scorn on their sincerity, when so many of them come from “celebrities” – people famous for being famous, rather than for their literary judgment. A cynic might wonder how they find the time to read so much. On the other hand, endorsements, used wisely, can  be genuinely add sales appeal to the cover of any book.

Currently dithering “to puff or not to puff” on the cover of my new mystery novels, I asked ALLi authors whether they thought soliciting endorsement quotes was worth the time and trouble.

