Have you ever done a writing retreat? NaNoWriMo doesn’t count although that is the only one I can count to my name. Today’s posts all seem to deal with communication. The need to communicate to your readers, to the people helping you, and to yourself.
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Make the Most of Your Writing Retreat from Live Write Breath. Have you been to a writing retreat? What did you think of the experience?
Can ya hear me now? -
The Power of the Unlikeable Protagonist from Writer UnBoxed. Someone you love to hate.
How I Balance Writing with Having a Day Job or Coping With Not Having Superpowers from Pub Crawl. Patrice is my new hero!
- Marketing Mayhem and How to Avoid It from Books And Such. If you are lucky enough to have a marketing team, you need to make sure you are using them effectively.
Start Here: How to Self-Publish Your Book from Jane Freidman. Everything you wanted to know and more!
4 Creative Book Marketing & Promotion Ideas for Indie Authors and Self-published Books from Self Publishing Advice Center. What is the craziest thing you have done to promote your book?
How To Write Contemporary Fiction: Don’t Write for Leo Tolstoy’s Audience from Anne R. Allen’s Blog… with Ruth Harris. Unless you are Leo Tolstoy.
- How to Become a Better Writer: Do This (And Only This, Seriously) For 1 Hour from The Write Life. A funny post, we have all been there. One minute, I will be right back, my computer made a ding noise.
Most Common Writing Mistakes, Pt. 60: Flat Plots from Helping Writers Become Authors. Add depth to your plots.
Is Your Procrastination a Symptom of Perfectionism? From Live Write Thrive. Perfectionism can be a symptom of fear.