OMG you guys, you do not know how much fun I have looking for pictures to go with the posts. Some of them are truly bizarre and I wish I could interview the people who took them. Or at least drink what they are drinking.
A lot of our posts for today deal with feedback and choices like choosing to hire an editor and putting out the best product you can. There are also a few posts from authors who have been there and share how they cope (or not). Enjoy!
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Write What You Want to Know by Vicki Delany from Romance University. Instead of write what you, write what you want to know.
What it feels like to get negative feedback on your book…. - Who You Know Can Make a Difference from Books & Such. It is good to hang with other writers even if you are an introvert like me.
5 Tips For Writing Superbad Villains from The Creative Penn. Because without a bad guy there is no story.
What Art School Failed to Teach Me About Writing & Rejection from Positive Writer. A good read if the word “no” makes you queasy.
5 Ways to Make Your Self-Published Book Look Professional from Writer’s Edit. Having a professional book helps us all!
How to Write Your Best Book: Part One from Goins, Writer. A really good podcast.
Report from the Trenches, #1from Steven Pressfield Online. Dealing with the emotions of feedback.
How Do You Respond to Criticism of Your Work? 6 Patterns to Recognize from Jane Friedman. Do you know the stages of criticism grief?
7 Things I’ve Learned So Far, by Angelica Baker from Writer’s Digest. Stories from other authors.
Writing: In Praise of Editors – Unsung Superheroes Who Daily Save Authors from Themselves from Self Publishing Advice Center. Hug an editor today!