“And everything under the sun is in tune But the sun is eclipsed by the moon”

Today if you live in the (semi) United States you have an opportunity to witness a marvel of nature. While eclipses happen all the time, this is a rare one that most of this country gets to see at least part of. Are you going to watch?

What an amazing event for a writer to witness! The corona of the sun visible, the changes in the earth as the eclipse happens. Birds will go silent or sing their nighttime songs, waves of shadows will flow over the ground. So many events in our history have been triggered by cosmic changes! What fodder for an author!

When you are fully in the sunshine, it is sometimes difficult to see everything clearly. I will sometimes get caught up in the daydreams of fame and that I will be discovered and everyone will love my stories. J.K. Rowling eat your heart out! Of course that would mean that I actually had to finish something, publish it, hope people find it, and then we will see if anyone loves it. After all, who doesn’t dream of shining in the sun.

But it is when I am out of the spotlight and in the shade that I can be honest with myself. I don’t write to be famous. No lie, yeah it would be nice to make some money writing, but I write because I want to, because I LOVE my stories and the worlds I create. By writing down my ideas and stories, I get to spend more quality time with them, exploring and wrapping myself in my creations. You know you have a character in your stories that you wish were real and want to be besties with.

Hopefully, someday I will get over what is stopping me from finishing my stories and actually publish one. Maybe some people will like them, for sure some people won’t, and I doubt I will ever be as successful as Ms. Rowling. But I am happy. I know the real reason why I write, and I am doing just that.

So have a wonderful mystical (but safe) day!


PS The post title is from the Pink Floyd song Eclipse off the album Dark Side of The Moon.



