Another great article on how to strengthen your writing style by finding your unique voice. I will be on the couch eating my cupcake and recovering from the activity.
How to Discover Your Unique Writing Voice

About four years ago, I discovered a powerful tool that helped me unearth my unique voice and hone my honest perspective. I’ll share with you what that powerful tool is, but for now I want to talk about your voice.
Notice that the title of this post isn’t How to Write/Sound Like the Masters. No, it’s how to discover YOUR unique writing voice.
As writers we fall victim to comparing our works of fiction to those of the masters:
If only my writing echoed the simple eloquence of Jane Austen!
If only I had the cornucopia of geek knowledge like Ernest Cline!
If only I could write geeky teen romance like John Green!
If only I had the wit of Oscar Wilde!
Whether we are aware of it or not, we often compare our works to someone who is a history-making, best-selling author.
We forget the fact that Wilde, Green, Austen, Cline- they all have been exactly where you are. They weren’t born best-selling authors. They weren’t even best-selling authors before their mid-twenties! So how is it fair to compare your works of fiction to theirs?
It isn’t, cupcake.
Read the full post at Barely Hare Books