Usually I am excited and look forward to each NaNo as a time where I get to put myself first and do something I enjoy. I love being creative and love telling a tall tale. The work that goes into writing well is a bit daunting to be honest.
I don’t know exactly how many NaNo’s I’ve participated in but looking at all the swag from past years, we have a long history together.
But that is the beauty of NaNo. You don’t have to write well, in fact editing is discouraged to allow you to focus and just get the words down.
The goal of 50K words in thirty days is challenging but quite doable. Usually I try to pace myself with the requisite number of daily words to meet my goal – 50,000 divided by 30 = 1667 words per day. I have never held to that goal.
Sometimes I have come close and been able to sort of keep up. But my words stumble after the initial excitement and of course life intervenes. Everyone has Thanksgiving to deal with but I also have two birthdays and some personal events to manage during the month as well. One year was particularly bad and I ended up spending the last three days of November writing over 45K words to win.
So I missed the first day. No biggers, that just means that this NaNo is a little different and a little normal too!
PS If you NaNo and want to connect search for Paula1849.