True writer confession – I am a horrible speller

Writers are suppose to be good at writing stuff, right? Except there are so many elements that go into writing, some depending on what you are writing.  I don’t know how you could master all of them. Every time I think I understand one part of plot writing I find an article that takes me to another level of recognizing what I don’t know. But at least I can compete there.

True story, I got into computers because they had spell-check. That and my handwriting is not even legible to me. Computers were a gift from the technology gods telling me that I was born to be a software engineer and a writer. Another true fact, I passed college English because I amused my teacher by writing subroutines for grammar rules.  If you can’t be brilliant be witty.

Part of the problem is I am relatively bright otherwise, but my low point intellectually is spelling. Compounding the problem is I have a fantastic vocabulary. So I regularly try and use words I know, but I can’t spell. I frustrate spell check on a regular basis. My spelling is so bad it even confuses Google.

Of course English is made up of so many different rules and has evolved from a bunch of different languages. So it is not like it is completely my fault. Homonyms, homophones, and homographs don’t help at all.

Add that to the fact that I spell how words sound and I come from Massachusetts where we have a distinct problem with rearranging the “r”s in our speech and I give up!

How about you? Do you have any true writing confessions?

Have a great day!




Sometimes a change is as good as a rest, or how to pop the clutch of your mind

There are times when your brain just doesn’t want to co-operate. Sometimes it is due to procrastination, sometimes you truly need a break, and sometimes you want to work and nothing shows up.

That is when you need to pop the clutch in your mind.

I drive a manual stick transmission and have for a long time. For those who haven’t, the clutch is the pedal you use to switch the gear. You press in on the clutch and move the stick to the desired gear, then release the clutch while pushing the gas. It takes a little bit of coordination, but it is great fun. There are also a couple of cool tricks you can do in a stick transmission that you can’t really pull off in an automatic car.

A really useful one (especially if you owned an older model stick car) is popping the clutch. If your car won’t start because the battery is dead, you can put the car in neutral and either push it or roll it down a hill and at the right moment put the car in first gear, remove your foot from the clutch and push on the gas. The car will lurch horribly but if you did it right, it will start.

You bypassed the need for a starter and are able to drive on your merry way, hopefully to a mechanic who will fix your starter or charge your battery.

So to bypass what is stopping you from working, take your focus off the task at hand but do something work adjacent. So if you are stuck trying to write (and you didn’t leave of at a good place), instead of beating your brain, go do some other writing task. Write in a journal, write a letter, email or even a blog post! You don’t actually have to send the letter or publish the post. But the act of writing something different will allow your brain to stay in the writing mode but get around what was stopping you from the task you needed to get accomplished. Once you are finished with your adjacent task, you should be now able to continue to write.

Did this work for you? Let me know if it does, or if you have any other tips on how to get it done!

Have a great day!



Don’t settle for “B List”

My family and I are binge-watching 30 Rock right now before it leaves Netflix on October 1.  It was always a show I wanted to watch, I love Tracy Morgan and Tina Fey and I know the show is great. But it was one of those shows we just never got around to.

Like most of you, we don’t have a lot of time so we have to prioritize what we spend that precious time on. At least when it comes to entertainment. And there are so many good choices, but we can’t watch them all. So there is what we call the “B list”. As in, if we had more time, the show would be something that we would like to watch, but right now there are so many more “A list” shows. It doesn’t mean that the “B list” shows aren’t good, they are.  But with time being a limited resource, we often don’t get a chance to get them. There are always more new content and shows out there to compete, and before you know it, you are binge watching because it is now or never.

Switching gears for a second, I promise this will make sense in the end. One of my best bosses gave me some great advice. I didn’t want to add going to school to my list of family and work obligations. As a software engineer, I was already doing the work. Except I wasn’t a software engineer yet, even though I was doing the work. I was angry because that wasn’t fair. But he was quite honest with me and told me that this is because people will always look for the excuse to hold against you, so you need to make sure that you don’t give them any excuses. The fact that I didn’t have my degree was held against me, even though I did excellent work. There were people who did excellent work too, and they had that degree.

If this sounds bitter or cynical, please don’t take it that way. I’m not saying it’s because people are trying to be mean. It is just how life works.

There are so many good titles out there. I am constantly adding books to my TR pile. There are even a lot of cheap or free books that are good because authors are using a free sample to get you to like their work. I wish I had time to read them all. But I don’t. So I look for the reason to hold against a book so I don’t waste my time on something I won’t enjoy as much as possible. Bad cover? pass. Bad editing? Pass. Lots of reviews that say bad editing? Pass. Majority of reviews that say the book is ok or that the characters need to be developed? Pass.

All those things have nothing to do with your story. It might be the most interesting tale ever, that would sing to my heart and make me want to read it over and over again. But I will never see it.

Which is why I keep posting articles about the importance of quality, and also what drives me nuts about my own writing. But why do this if we are not going to present our best selves to the world? Why give them an excuse to hold against us?

Have a great day!




Your dog/cat feels bad for you because you don’t know how to talk.

First off continued good wishes for Mexico and Puerto Rico and everyone that was already trying to recover from nature’s wrath.

This cat is saying “I am about to bite your face off”

If you own or have watched two dogs interacting with each other, then you know they don’t just go up and say “Hey Butch, how’s it hanging”.  There is a meeting-new-dog protocol, meeting-a-dog-who-is-a-friend protocol, and even a meeting-a-dog-who-is-an-enemy protocol. It all depends on which direction the tail is wagging, how hard the tail is wagging, and even different types of tail wagging and that is only one aspect of dog communication.

The same thing goes with cats. Do you know about kitty-eye kisses? Try this the next time you see a cat chilling. Look at them until they look at you, then close your eyes halfway and open them again a couple of times. The cat will copy you. That is a way of saying, everything is good here and good with us.

Animals use their whole body and all of their senses to communicate with each other. Some are more easy to tell than others, but they are communicating a lot more than you give them credit for. Our Border Collie, Paxil, is super smart. He has learned to be bi-species lingual. When people come over they are amazed because I have conversations with him and he seems to understand what I am saying. He does, and not just the words I speak but also of my tone and body language. He knows me so well that, to outsiders, it almost seems magical. Ok, he is kind of magical.

To animals, we must seem really strange because most of our communication is done with noises. We are just “telling” each other stuff. Even if you are animated and gesture a lot when you talk, it is still not to the same level as our pets.

When writing, we are told to “show” not “tell,” and that is an important part of communication. A dog barking is pretty tame. A dog with hackles raised, crouching on the floor with hind legs ready to spring, dripping foamy slobber, ears laid back with a low deep growl is a completely different thing, one you should not go near. Even if you are writing about people, we all can feel the hairs on the back of our neck tingle. There are a myriad of ways to communicate besides talking, ways that, as authors, we should look into.

Except for butt sniffing. That’s gross.

Have a good day.




Just be safe, ok?

Here is a picture of a baby bunny in a box to make you feel better.

I had in mind to write a very different post for tomorrow but then I made the choice to watch the news. Normally I am very pragmatic about life and a very positive person. But after finding out what is going on around the world, I have to admit that I am a little worried and overwhelmed.  So much bad is happening. The poor Caribbean is hunkered down in whatever buildings are left for another horrible hurricane. Mexico is dealing with a severe earthquake. Then there is the continuing news of problems in Venezuela, and please don’t forget Syria. I am sure there is more.

And the general disaster that is the US political system right now. Not as severe and urgent as the rest, but as a US citizen I am quite concerned. It doesn’t matter what political party you support, I really think the one thing we can all agree on is that it is a hot mess. Which means we are not doing what we American’s do best, help others. I do believe that we are a global system and that what happens to one nation affects us all.

I don’t have any witty way to tie this to writing. And that is the point. Sometimes you just can’t.

So do me a favor, just be safe as you can be.

Have a good day.







Don’t miss out on the new

There is something comfortable about what is known. We know what to expect and don’t have to work harder than necessary. While I am a great fan of exploring the unknown and will always take the road less traveled, you can still get stuck in a rut, or even get overwhelmed by all the options that are out there. With so much information, products, and options available to us, it is easy to be inundated by choices.

Take food graters. We have one that was pretty cool. It was a circle on top of a catch pan that you could rotate around for the grating type you needed. Not your mother’s metal square thing that left a mess. But after spending waaaay too much time trying to grate some lime zest my daughter had the brilliant idea that we really needed a new one. Not technically the language she used but you get the point.  Sure enough, there is this wicked awesome one on Amazon that I ordered and love!

What does this have to do with writing? Everything.

Do you even know what options are out there for you? I know that the written word may not have changed much but the options are pretty cool. Have you checked out adding audiobooks for your title? This is a very hot commodity right now, and there are many advances that make it easy for you to create a quality audiobook that will definitely set your title apart.

What about social media? For one of my paying day jobs, I work for an ebook promotions site. As a courtesy, when we prepare a sponsorship and post it on Facebook, we always try to find the author’s Facebook page and link to it. But there are so many authors who don’t have a page and miss out on this extra opportunity for publicity.

Not every new thing is better. But you won’t know until you look and see.

Have a great day!




The life of a wannabe writer

A few of you may have noticed that there were no editor’s posts on Thursday and Friday of last week.

The fact is, like many of you, I wear many hats. My paying job is working as a consulting software engineer and I do alright. Some freelance engineers will take on crazy work, just about kill themselves for 5-6 months on a project and then take a couple of months off. Yes, they are mostly single. I have been lucky enough to try and balance that out a little better to try and achieve that golden dream of a work-life balance. Throw in the Addison’s disease and life can get very busy at times. Again, just like you, we all have our issues, and normal is just a setting on the dryer.

That is probably why there are so many posts of mine that deal with picking yourself up and getting back on track. I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down.

They should make a song about that.

Have a good day!







Lazy writing and Logan Lucky

I actually drive a v8 Mustang, and hell yea it is a stick…

There were enough of us home that we decided to go see a movie, and the one thing we all agreed on was Logan Lucky. I am going to try really hard to not spoil the movie for anyone who wants to see it but hasn’t yet, but this is your SPOIL ALERT warning. Read at your own risk.

I did enjoy the movie and don’t regret going to see it in the theater. However, there were two things about the movie that took away from the enjoyment.

First, there were some unanswered questions. You don’t need to have every question or problem answered to have a good story, but the major ones need to be addressed without the audience feeling unsatisfied. In Logan Lucky,  the dad started a chain of events because he needed a lawyer to stop his ex-wife, who was sole custodian of their daughter, from moving to another state. And yet at the very end, that is what happened in spite of his success. It just doesn’t add up and play into the character of the very loving dad.

The other issue I had was the introduction of characters at the last minute. I understand that the directors were trying to keep the plot twist quiet, but to have someone that the dad trusted more than the main characters in the movie to help him with the secret twist be someone that we had never seen on screen before is pretty lazy. It is like the mystery writers who run you through a bunch of characters to make you guess who did it, only to find out that it was some random psycho that happened to show up.  There is probably a scene somewhere on the cutting room floor that hopefully explains the relationship of this mysterious person. Otherwise, why not at least have him be someone that works as a bouncer in the bar?

There were a couple of other, smaller issues but I don’t want to be picking on what was a pretty decent movie. What I am taking away from this is that in my writing, I will map out my plots and not cheap out by introducing characters to fill a gap that don’t make sense.

Have a good day.



Dogs can’t tell time and neither can readers

If you own dogs, you know that old joke about dogs acting like you have been gone for 10 years when you just stepped outside to get the mail. We have two dogs, Paxil, a border collie/ Australian shepherd mix, and Lunesta (Lulu) who is a Papillion. Every morning the routine is usually the same. My husband, who is a saint and can deal with mornings better, gets up lets the dogs out to do their business, does his business and gets the coffee going. This is my husband’s time to relax and start the day slowly. Later when I have to get up, the dogs want to go out again. No matter if I get up in one minute or one hour later.

Dogs really don’t have a sense of time. They are event driven and base their actions on reactions to actions around them. Therefore no matter what time I get up, it is time to go out again, much to the annoyance of my husband. When you come through the door, that is an event and you must be greeted.

While I was laughing with my husband over his frustration with this, I realized it is the same thing with readers.

Not that readers can’t tell time, but that in our stories there is no way for them to. So it is up to us as authors to create events to orient the reader to when things are and to the passage of time.

What do you think?

Have a great day!



When you fall down, get back up and continue on.

When it rains it pours and that can’t be poignant enough for right now.  Poor Barbuda is pretty much wiped out, all the islands in the Carribean, Florida, Mexico, and of course Texas is still bailing out. Our good thoughts and wishes go out for all of you now and I promise to rearrange my budget so we can give cash as needed.

Sometimes the world is good at knocking you down. But I think life is about how we react to those moments. Of course, if you are worried about hurricanes or other disasters you have to make sure you are ok first.  Things like writing have to take a back seat unless you are huddled somewhere with a notebook and pen writing your thoughts and observations safely.

Like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, you need to prioritize your needs. Take care of your physical self – shelter, food, and water, then when you can, you work on your psychological – feeling safe, connected, and healthy. That is where the writing comes in. So many mental health professionals use writing as a tool to good mental health.

As writers, we already knew that.

Stay safe and have a good day.





Just do the damn thing and go to bed.

This week started off so good. Part of that was the holiday but I actually managed to get some work done for this site ahead of time and that was awesome. My days were wonderful and slightly carefree(ish).

I have Addison’s second type, like J. F. Kennedy but a little different. His was the first type. Basically due to doctors error a long time ago my adrenal glands are totally fried. It took an incredibly long time to get diagnosed but here I am trying to work my program. So one of the issues is I have a shit ton of inflammation which means, happy fun time, I get to go on the inflammation diet. So today I spent the day making my own homemade flax seed cereal for breakfast and preparing kale. I f’ing hate kale. The only thing that I hate worse than kale is kale with shitake mushrooms.  If you just said “Oh that sounds yummy” then (1) I probably hate you too, and (2) please come eat mine for me.

Rant over. Hopefully, this helps, in which case it is worth every last bit of kale I force down.

Which brings us to now. It is late, I am tired and covered in carrot peels. At least my hands smell really yummy. Cinnamon, fresh ginger, a hint of garlic, and lime juice.  But I have my writing to do. I spent time making excuses. No one is making me write. But the thought of giving up makes me whimper inside. So cut it out, self. Chin up, just do what you need to do. Get the damn thing done and go to bed.

Have a great day. I hope you are able to get done what you need to.



Turkish Delight and mead. The power of descriptions.

Have you ever read about something, and then was so excited to try it someday? For me, it was Turkish Delight and then mead.  So many of my childhood stories extolled the delight of Turkish candy. Even in The Chronicles of Narnia series, it was a treat among treats, that the White Witch tempted Edmund with. So it has to be good, right? Have you tasted it? First of all, it smells like roses and I love roses. But it is very sticky and too sweet (and I like sweets!) and it tastes like your grandmothers rose soap. My son will eat it but then again, he likes Haggis so there is no accounting for taste.

Later readings introduced me to mead. All the old timey great heros drink it with gusto! Cause it is that awesome.  It is fermented honey. How can that be bad? Honey is awesome. So isn’t wine. Honey-wine has to be the best thing possible and is probably what the queen bee drinks when she is ordering her little worker bees around. Apparently, it is an acquired taste and I don’t have enough money to aquire the taste for it.

That is the power of writing. Authors can create magic and desire with their words. I am sure that a lot of people love Turkish Delight and in a world before peanut M&Ms having something that sweet was wonderful. Maybe. I am still not convinced.

But every once in a while I will meet someone who tells me I just haven’t tried the right mead yet. The power of writing and me wanting to quaff mead like the heroes, sigh, still makes me want to try it.

Have a good day!


What are your dreams telling you?

Do you lucid dream or have a dream journal? I have always had an interesting dream life and have solved problems in my sleep, but I don’t think I can actually have a lucid dream. But if you can remember your dreams, make sure you take note, for they are surely telling you something you need to hear.  If you wake up and can remember what you were dreaming about it is helpful to write it down immediately. Google has plenty of tips on how to remember your dreams better.

The reason why I brought this up is that I had a very interesting dream. The heat wave in SoCal isn’t as bad and I actually managed to catch up on some lost sleep. But when the alarm went off for work, I remembered my dream that I was in. The dream took place in a very science fiction type setting of which I was part of the supportive cast. My role was to write everything down. That was very important. It did not matter if I had to use crayons, pencils, anything. I was so focused and obsessed with this need to write down what was happening. This was conveyed over and over again.

Most messages in our dreams are not quite this obvious, but who am I to argue. First thing I did (after having some coffee) was write the story down. I like it and I think it has potential. So now I have my next writing project, and obviously my subconscious thinks I need to write more.

How about you? Have you had any inspirations from your dreams?

Have a great day.



Celebrating labor

There is a reason why writing a story is compared to having a baby…

Yesterday was Labor Day in the states. While commonly viewed as the official end of summer and a great time to shop, Labor Day has its historical roots in unions and the working person. No matter what your views on unions today, if it wasn’t for our forefathers gathering and sometimes losing their life we would not have weekends off, eight hour work days, child labor laws etc. Even minor details of today’s workforce that we take for granted like having working fire exits have their history in unionizing.

We need to go back to celebrating the hard working people. I grew up on the New England Protestant work ethic that work sets you free and learned from my family that there was dignity in hard work. That means manually or intellectually and often times both.

In a world of Kardashians, I would rather celebrate the hard working bakers in Houston, who being stuck at work decided to continue to work and make bread to help feed everyone. The can-do attitude of people who saw that they had boats and decided to use them to rescue others.

But we don’t need to do this just during emergencies. We need to celebrate the everyperson every day. I have taught my children to thank people who clean the restrooms because it is a horrible job and they do it well and we are blessed to have them. Yes, they get paid. But a job worth doing, done well, deserves gratitude.

And that comes back to you dear reader. I am grateful that you have taken the time to read this, my labor.

Writing is hard. Writing is work. Writing is labor. We should celebrate it along with everything else. Writers instruct. Writers allow us to escape into a world that fulfills our inner needs.  It is no coincidence that dictators and despots always try to diminish writers and control the message. Because it is their deepest terror that people will be inspired instead of caught in a trap of fear.

So have a good day and go do a job worth doing, well.



Just like the evil electric company

His and hers SU bottles

I was lying flat on my bed with the fan turned high, misting water into the air with the squirt bottle we use to discipline the cats (kids occasionally too) feeling pretty sorry for myself because it was 109 in southern California today.  And I know that there are plenty of people out there who would gladly switch places with me right now, first world problems and all that, but this is my very small pity party. I don’t do well in the heat.

We have an air conditioner, a really nice one. But earlier this year I signed up for a deal with the electric company. So in exchange for a lower rate, when the grid is getting a bit overloaded, the electric company can turn off my a/c. I know it sounds stupid in 109-degree weather but this is what makes them so clever.  When I was pitched this wonderful opportunity it was cold outside.  I mean cold for southern California, but still, you want a hot cocoa and a sweater.

Then I realized how bloody brilliant that was. Because you don’t remember how much you suffered in the heat in February, so the money looks good. They only shut off your a/c for a short time and it gets rotated around with other people so it shouldn’t be too long. Blah de blah blah blah. Of course, I want to save the money.

Until now when reality hits. I could go someplace else to find some coolness but it is too hot to move or think.

Then I realized that a smart writer would do the same thing. Place clues and hints when it is cold outside and your reader easily buys into it, but then later in the story switch the weather. Just like the evil electric company.

No matter what the weather is for you (107 for me!) please be safe and take care of yourself.


