So, my book gets published. That same day there will be well over 2,000 other books published…

So What?

So, the year I’ve already spent in promoting the idea of my book, the months spent writing and revising, and the last few months of giving people an Advanced Reader Copy of Notes from An Alien (hoping for feedback) are the barest beginning of the tasks that lie ahead for me–or, for any author who doesn’t already have an audience.

And, as far as what I’ve learned about the individual areas of concern I need to pay attention to, here’s my current list:


Of course, that’s just my little list of promotional concerns. For a view of what it takes to get the physical book ready to print, so you’ve got something worth promoting, check out this article about the 22 Top Book Design Tasks.

One thing I’ve learned, that’s a bit frustrating, is the supreme overabundance of information on the Web about how to write, or edit, or promote a book. I swear, three-quarters of the time I’ve spent learning has been learning about how to pick the gems of wisdom out of the torrent of advice.

One site you might consider (or, recommend to a friend) that pulls some of the best advice together in one place is Publetariat.

So, I wrote a book…

So, I’m working hard to promote it…

So, hopefully, in March it’ll be published…


There’s my book, along with more than 2,000 others, each one needing more promotion, more loving attention, more sleepless nights, so it can survive its birth and maybe help a few people………………….

Follow the co-author of Notes from An Alien, Sena Quaren:
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