Author Tools: Improving Your Writing With AutoCrit by Pat Haggerty

Author Tools – things to help you get your writing done

Any tool that can help authors refine and edit their writing is a good thing. AutoCrit isn’t free but it is designed to help authors self-edit their work. I don’t think it would take the place of a professional editor, but it would be a good thing to help get your draft ready for a professional editor and save you time and money in the process. Any users of AutoCrit out there? Let us know how you liked it.  Pat Haggerty at Romance University has the scoop.

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Improving Your Writing With AutoCrit

autocriticby Pat Haggerty

Every time I think Pat Haggerty can’t out-do his last post on RU, he comes up with another amazing article. Ever heard of AutoCrit? Check out what this software can do for you and your writing!

Have you ever heard the term Meatware? Yea, well that’s you. In a computer based system the hardware is where the computer software runs, the software is the set of instructions telling the hardware what to do and how, and you’re the meatware, running the show. At least for now

One never ending problem for writers is self-editing. It never ceases to amaze how many times I can read the same piece of work only to allow any number of mistakes to slip right past my notice. With training, and there are good books and classes on self-editing, you will improve, but some things are just hard to catch. We can, and eventually should, turn to a professional proofreader and/or line editor but wouldn’t it be nice if we could get a little more out of our self-editing cycle?

Enter AutoCrit.

AutoCrit is a web based, automated proofreader which does an excellent job helping you spot common problems in your drafts. The AutoCrit website says it well: “How do you get unbiased, knowledgeable feedback on your early drafts quickly, easily, and without spending a ton of money on an editor?” AutoCrit, that’s how.

Read the full post (and get the free worksheet!) on Romance University

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