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What is an indie author on a budget to do to get reviews and sales? Shayla Raquel, expert editor, seasoned writer, and author-centric marketer has some great tips on how to reach out to book bloggers, including some helpful templates on what to say.
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How Book Bloggers Boost Sales for Indie Authors

by Shayla Raquel
Got a $0 book marketing budget? No fear! Book bloggers can help you reach your audience without breaking the bank.
What is a book blogger?
A book blogger is someone who will read your book (in ebook or print form) and write an honest review on their blog and/or social media.
Most book bloggers do this for free because they love reading. However, when some book bloggers have accumulated thousands and thousands of followers, they’ll usually charge a fee. And that’s okay and well deserved (getting just one photo of your book on an bookstagrammer’s account can be huge). However, you can focus on the book bloggers who do not charge when you first get started.
Why should I pitch my book to them?
Read the full post on Shayla Raquel!