Quick Link: How to Use The Force to Write Your Novel

Quick links, bringing you great articles on writing from all over the web.

Ok, I admit that I picked this post because I am OG (Orginal Geek) and a major Star Wars nerd. But this is still a great post from Randy Ingermanson at his site, Advanced Fiction Writing. And it is not probably what you are thinking of either.

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How to Use The Force to Write Your Novel

Photo by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash

How do you find time to write your novel when there isn’t time to write? When your life feels like a treadmill to nowhere? When it seems like you’re in exactly the same place you were a year ago?

I hear from writers all the time asking how to manage their time so they can write the novel of their dreams.

The Most Powerful Force in the Universe

There’s a secret to doing this. I’m going to let you in on that secret right now.

If you want to write a novel…

You need to make it a habit to write every day of the week. (Or every weekday. Or every weekday plus every Saturday. Or whatever schedule fits your life.)

The most powerful force in the universe is force of habit.

Why You Need a Writing Habit

Read the full post on Advanced Fiction Writing.

Quick Links: One Way to Form Habits That Lead to Success

Quick links, bringing you great articles on writing from all over the web.

They say it takes three months of doing something to make it stick as a habit. The esteemable Shelly Hitz has a post and a podcast that gives you more tips on how to succeed with great habits.

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One Way to Form Habits That Lead to Success

By Shelly Hitz

Do you want to form good habits that will help you reach your goals? In this training, I share with you three steps to form good habits that will lead you to success.

Good Habits are Key to Success

What we’re going to talk about now is about habits. This is on my mind because, to be honest, I have some habits that need changing. So I’ve been working on this and I’ve seen some things that are helping me. That’s why I wanted to share them with you.

As an author, there are so many ways that consistent small habits can lead you to success. It could be a habit of having a power hour every week. Or it could be working on writing your book a couple of times a week. This habit can eventually allow you to finish your book.

The small habits of doing marketing every day can lead to more sales. In fact, one of my Author Audience Academy members, Kim Steadman, was just talking in the group today. She shared about how she had been busy and stopped posting regularly on social media.

For everyone it’s different. But for her, Facebook and I think, Pinterest is her thing. She observed that when she stopped posting, her sales stopped. And she was getting consistent sales.

Then when she started posting again, she started getting sales again. There are so many small, consistent actions and habits that can lead to success. And that’s what I want to talk to you about.

Honesty is a Start