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The last couple of weeks have been unreal in the real world. So I thought this was a good time for an inspirational post. From Jodi Gibson, what to do when you feel like giving up being a writer.
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The Aspiring Writer: When you feel like giving up
by Jodi Gibson

It’s been a while since I’ve written a post in my ongoing, although spasmodic, Aspiring Writer series, but I thought this would be a good one to add.
Have you ever felt like throwing it all in?
Every writer feels like giving up at some (or many) stages of their writing. Whether you’re in the throes of your first draft, or knee-deep in editing your umpteenth draft, there will be many times when you feel like throwing it all in.
Most times, this feeling passes. Whether you take a walk to clear your head, give yourself a few ‘writing-free’ days, or continue powering on, the urge will subside and you will rediscover your mojo and continue on.
But, what if that feeling doesn’t pass, or what if it seeds yourself in your brain and begins to take over?
With the rise of social media, we’re often drawn into the trap of putting forward ‘our best self’. We talk about our wins, and brush off our disappointments. Instagram is full of beautifully stylized picture-perfect moments or fragments of the best parts of our days. Sure sometimes the #keepingitreal hashtag raises its head, but they too are often carefully chosen.
But, sometimes writing feels too hard, pointless and fruitless. Sure, writing for yourself is a noble pursuit, but what if it’s not enough?
You want to be published, you want to be recognised, you want to be acknowledged. And not just by your mum or best friend.
Read the full post on Jodi Gibson