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I don’t know about you, but I could write and write and never get to editing. So this article from Mary Carroll Moore at her site, How To Plan, Write, And Develop A Book, is a really good post for people like us!
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How Do You Know When to Stop Expanding and Start Revising?
by Mary Carroll Moore
The relationship of writer to book-in-progress reminds me of a marriage. As opposed to a date.
With a book, you regularly re-evaluate your progress, your purpose, and your plans. You recommit again and again. Not unlike the work it takes to make a marriage work.
Some writers ask this when stuck or bored. Revising seems like more fun than continuing to draft chapters. But there is a real moment when the book has expanded as much as it needs to, and only in the more microscopic work of revision can the writer discover the next levels of truth in the story.
Read the full post on How To Plan, Write, And Develop A Book!