The Power of Not Enough

This post by Nick Stephenson originally appeared on his site on 3/22/14.

I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday over at, featuring indie heavyweight Russell Blake. If you’ve got a spare 55 minutes, go have a listen – or check out the key points in the accompanying commentary – you’ll be glad you did. The podcast got me thinking:

How do we know when we have succeeded at something? How do we set realistic goals? More specifically, when it comes to selling books, how much is enough?

Russell cites James Lee Burke as a perfect example of getting exactly what you want out of this business. Burke writes in his own unique style, he doesn’t pander, and he has a solid, long-term sales record that most of us would give our right arms for. But, in Russell’s words, he’ll never sell like Dan Brown or James Patterson. But that’s okay. That’s not the point of what he’s trying to accomplish.

So what does this mean for the average indie author? In my experience, “enough” is almost impossible to quantify without some very clear (and achievable) goals. I remember, just starting out, when I’d be overjoyed to see 50 book sales a month. Then 100. More recently, 1,000, or even more on a Bookbub month. And, every month, I think to myself “this could be better.”

But how much better? Will I be satisfied with 2,000 sales a month? 5,000? 10,000? I realised I didn’t know where the line was. Although I’ve been lucky enough to see my work being read in all over the world (mostly in the US – thanks, guys!) I came into this game not expecting much – and, as a result, had no “end game” in mind.


Click here to read the full post on Nick Stephenson’s site.


Author's Year-End Marketing Checklist

This post, by Stephanie Barko, originally appeared on San Francisco Book Review on 11/14/13.

Do you think of your writing as a hobby or a business? If your books mean business to you, this is a great time of year to evaluate how your 2013 marketing fared. Beginning now, there’s just enough time before the end of the year to assess performance-to-goals and plan for taxes.

Here is a list of questions designed to either save you money [this year] or expose some issues to correct before [next year].


How many books did I sell this year?

Which formats sold best?

Do I want to put my 2013 title out in another format or publish my next book or both?

Did I sell branded merchandise this year? Do sales indicate that it was priced right?

Do I want to merchandise my brand next year?



Do I have the right amount of expenses to offset sales?


Click here to read the rest of the post on San Francisco Book Review.