Need an affordable book cover?

Hello Indie Authors-

My name is Shannon Yarbrough and I am a published indie author.  I also help other authors who are in need of help with book covers.  I design professional full book covers (front, back, and spine) in JPG or PDF file formats for just $50 per cover.


Why am I so cheap, you might ask?  I’ll tell you…


Most POD companies will supply free (or cheap) cover art for you to choose from.  While it is okay to use these templates for your own personal use, I do not suggest using them if your book is going to be published for circulation. 


Why?  Simple. 


Other authors might also use the same template.  So, now you have several books on the market all with the same cover. You want your book to stand out and it should definitely be a representation of you as an individual.  That includes the book cover.


So, as an indie author and advocate of the print on demand community, I intentionally keep my services cheap and affordable because I want to help you create the best book possible.


Contact me for more information if you are in need of assistance. 


By the way, I’m in no way advertising or trying to solicite my services.  My minimal fee is really for time only.  There are other artists out there charging as much as $800 for designing a book cover for you.  In no way am I trying to be as profitable.  I’m trying to help authors make their book profitable instead.


