Pretty pop-ups!

I love and have a small collection of pop-up books including a huge Game of Thrones map. These pop-up art pieces by Peter Dahmen are just breathtaking.  Have a look yourself.

For more on the artist here is a featured video:

and even a link to tutorials!

The Pop-Up Book ▶
Free Tutorials by Peter Dahem ▶

The cat cake that turns into a movie

The time that this must have taken and the artistry. I would never be able to take a bite! I would never get any work done but instead would spend my day watching my cake.

The History Of the World: Every Year

This is really cool but I also thought it might be useful for writing research or inspiration!

I would love it and hug it and squeeze it and I would name it George…..

How cool is this! Except I don’t think they reallize we aren’t stupid enough to think that it is alive. But how wonderful would it be to never have to go under the knife but instead swallow a little robot.

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